Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Glowing Embers of Magic

Don't remember where I found this picture, but it's beautiful and gave me inspiration for art direction and story ideas for my film :) I LOVEEE  THE SKYY!!!!! Exactly how I want my textures to look. I love the silhouettes as well and how simple the composition is!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Unfinished Swan

My friend showed me this video game called Unfinished Swan that I thought was brilliant. You start off in a white world, and must throw splots of black paint to figure out how your surroundings look like.  Brilliant!! 

After meeting with some of my teachers from last semester, I started getting this idea that maybe, I would start off in a black canvas and have the notes slowly form the boy's world as they land on buildings and slowly bring his world to color. No depth, no space in the beginning. Just void. That concept intrigues me and I think I could do some really cool things with that.

It is a totally different turn from how I originally imagined my film- I think I'm leaning more towards a very abstract beginning now, and in the end transform his world into a more realistic setting when he encounters the musician whereas in the beginning, I was imagining a regular complex city street to start with.

I think the idea of starting off in a black canvas would make more sense portraying his lack of sight.  Excited to see how this can form!