Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Damn, so I realize that I haven't updated my blog in FOREVER. I keep another blog on my website that I update more often, so I kind of forgot about this one. Sorry!!

Butt, anyways updates for my thesis!! Everything posted so far has been from last semester (so long ago, but not really again), but thankfully I have been working on it and slowly chipping away at my film during the summer in between classes and an internship.

This summer, I spent a lot of my time refining and revising my story and making it into something I was satisfied with.  I had started with a seed of a story I really liked last semester, but I knew I really need to tie up a lot of loose ends and just make it more cohesive. So after racking my brain for a while, very frustrated at times, I finally knocked out a script that I am more or less satisfied with.

The boy is not a child beggar anymore but is now an orphan trapped in danky closed walls longing to get out and explore the streets.  There is no coin anymore, it has been replaced by a music box! And the guitarist- he is not just anyone random, he is actually the boy's father. With that said, the whole concept of the boy being able to dream through music is still there. And there's a slight "twist" at the end that I won't tell just yet :)

Along with revising my story, I mainly worked on some concept art and character designs this summer.
Exploring orphanage shapes for the building!

Some quick, really messy sketches. I had this idea of the orphanage being on the hill but it was more for illustration purposes than anything.  I cannot imagine a blind boy maneuvering himself down a precarious slope...

I wanted to make the orphanage look rather ominous.
Emile in his bedroom holding the music box. This one I don't like how it turned out because it looked much cooler in my head ha. 
Wondering through the snowy streets ...
Some water color tests on how I would like it to look in the film! I did not paint these but edited them on photoshop.   I would love to get this look though.

The park where they meet. Just concepts! 

The guitarist/ his dad. I'm not crazy for his design at all paticularly... maybe because I just can't draw men. But in my film, you won't see him face anyways so I guess it doesn't really matter?