Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Background tests

Today, I played around a lot trying to search more for the look of my film specifically for the scene in the streets- more like how to execute it technically.  am I going to just digitally draw them? Hand draw them? Or a mixture of both? After today, I found that the best option is painting my backgrounds traditionally first and then brining it into photoshop and tweaking it.  
I have a clear image in my head of how I want my backgrounds to look- no detail, flowy, colors meshing into one another,, vibrant but soothing... but when it actually came to designing and trying to get the look, it was much harder than I thought it was.  After many failed attempts, I finally achieved a look I more or less liked.  Going to keep experimenting!

The shapes and colors are a little too muted here, but I like the contrast of light and dark. 

This was so fun! I literally just bought my painted piece in Photoshop and changed the hue--- thats's about it. And this happened- I really like how it turned out!

Another one of my painted backgrounds painted over slightly digitally- I added a color dodge on the right, and it gave it that nice magical glow.

Same thing but with no color dodge. 

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