Friday, February 8, 2013

Beginning mockups

Last semester for our 3-D animation class, we had the choice of doing whatever we wanted for our final project. So of course, I choice to build a beach landscape on Maya, totally underestimating how hard it would be to animate water.  I envisioned my scene to look very simple and stylized, simple flat waves, grungy looking mountains in the background that looked like they had been painted on paper, dripping sky, inked clouds.  I drew all my textures on Photoshop and projected them onto my scene. In the end, I didn't have enough time to make it look as polished as I wanted too, but I learned a lot through the process of building my scene. 

Since I want my thesis to take place by the sea, it was nice to mock up some very basic designs for how it might look. Below or some rough sketches and style frames. I apologize for the bad picture quality :(

Had fun with the brush pen!

Composition thumbnail sketches for the scene. 

Mockups for how I wanted the cliffs to look like with pen and water. I like the mingling of bolder lines and washed out color. 

Style frames for mapping out how my scene would look during different times of the day! I originally wanted to have a time lapse of my scene but didn't have time for that either :(

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