Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Inspiration of the day: Corey Godbey

 I found Corey Godbey, a freelance illustrator, while reading Lines and Colors, and again, I fell in love instantly with his art style.  I love the way he combines nature and monsters seamlessly with the flow and ebb of lines that connect the whole composition. Line work is amazing and his color palette in his illustrations are soothing, if that even made sense. Many of his pieces are about mythical lands and creatures, an idea I want to play with in my thesis. Creating your own world with the craziness you never knew existed in your mind. Nature coming alive.  Something like that.

I love how the trees grow out of this monster! The idea of having nature come alive and manifest itself in mythical creatures is something I have been thinking about. 
I like the way he draws elfin people, or whatever people they are.

Love the color palette! You really get the sense that those monsters are HUGE. And probably clumsy. 
The sky is great :) I like how you can see the water color textures. 
One of my favorite illustrations by him, because to me a story is so evident. The composition leads your eye from the top,  to the two lovers, then to bottom, where to your surprise you find a monster under the tree!

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