Thursday, February 14, 2013


I'm finding more and more that I like being alone. Not only does it give me time to think, but I also notice things around me that I would have never noticed before, especially subtleties in nature, buildings,  and sometimes people.   But mostly nature. I kind of just go crazy taking pictures of everything around me. Here are some pictures that I took throughout the school year that I particularly like :) Enjoy!

From the boat on the way to Catalina Island- I love the simplicity that speaks volumes about the grandness of the sea.  Also the vibrancy of the colors- it's like a dream.
Zion Utah: Rainbow shooting star?
At the top of Catalina Island looking out at the sea :)
Love how one hill is cloaked in shadow and the other is emerging in light- the town was indeed just waking up :)
Formidable cliffs cloaked in mist...
I originally didn't mean for it to be a silhouette, but I like the way it turned out.  Kind  of looks like a T-rex actually is on the loose!  
Love the lighting! @ Eaton Canyon.
I loved how there were specks of gold amidst the shadows.  
 I feel like I could walk on the water, like it was made of glass.

Secret Garden.

Love the shadows on the ground!

I can never get over how those rays of sunlight just shines so perfectly over those cliffs.  Never. Ever.
I love the simplicity of this photo and the disappearing mountain the back.

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