Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Simplicities of Pen and Ink

If I had a choice to work digitally or traditionally, I'd probably choose traditionally because it just feels more natural. And just being able to scribble your heart out with a simple black pen and paper is so relaxing. The other day when I was perusing through Lines and Colors, and awesome blog that gives me inspiration every day with it's daily artist of the day posts, I came across Nicolas Delort, a freelance illstrator from Paris, France. I feel IN LOVE with the linework in his illstrations immediately, and it also gave me some ideas in terms of art direction for my thesis, since the way I portray environments and settings will be really important. His work is so graphic and dynamic all at once that it hurts your eyes to look at it, in a good way of course. Sometimes pen work like this can be distracting to me, because all I see are the lines, but for his work, it makes me focus on the composition and brings cohesiveness to all his drawings.

The ominous, mysterious mood evoked in this piece is so real it gives me chills.

Sea coming alive and engulfing you? Possible scene in my thesis.

Love the composition and sky in this one.

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